Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's Next?

It’s been overwhelming how much support we’ve gotten from you! Prayers, meals, calls, texts, FB posts … I can’t tell you how much it has meant to Suzi, the boys and me!

Been home for a few days now and things are start to get back to normal. I’m still moving slower but can walk much longer. I still get tired often but seem to have significantly more energy when I’m awake.

In fact, I’ve been thinking about what’s next. I have no desire to be the proverbial High School quarterback who spends the rest of his life talking about the "big game." Life is about the here and now, not about the past. So I donated a kidney. Sure my body is in recovery but it’s not something to dwell on. I’ve donated a lot of blood in my past but that hasn’t stopped me from moving on the bigger and better things.

Now please don’t read this as I’m looking to donate any other major organs any time soon. I’m also not planning on doing anything major until I’m healed. That would just be silly.

I’ve been journaling quite a bit (which is so nice) trying to figure out what the next chapter will be. Not sure where God is calling me but I feel it’s time to start asking the question. May God bless you!


  1. Since I have known you, the way I see you acting and talking, Zach, I see you as a minister. Have you ever consider that road? Sure, we all are called to minister from wherever we are in life. Still I wonder if that's something you might have thought about?

  2. Zach - We don't always have access to the internet, but today we were able to read all about your surgery and how things are progressing. What a truly wonderful thing you've done. We've shared your story with a lot of our friends. They're all too elderly to donate a kidney, but, perhaps, they'll keep passing the story around and some younger people will do the same thing. We did know the date of your surgery, so we were able to pray for all of you also. Ellen & Dallas

  3. So good to read these updates. I've been wondering how you've been healing and it just occurred to me that I could check your blog :doh!:
